What is the love you have in your heart that is the work you do in the world?

“Work is love made visible.” -Kahlil Gibran

Restorative Justice Practice envisions and works towards creating a world where we are free, empowered and actualized in relationship with each other. By partnering with us, you invest in a culture of collective prosperity and equitable systems.

Our interdisciplinary approach to community building and conflict transformation centers on cultivating self-defined community cultures with core values of environmental and cultural regeneration, holistic health and fiscal responsibility.

Your organization will gain:

  • Leadership teams up-levels skills to transition from a zero-sum game to a "sum of us" mentality

  • Prioritization of all stakeholder well-being and fulfillment

  • Transformation of conflict and bias into opportunities for accountability and win-win-win solutions

  • Rekindled trust and more awareness, skills and space to empower holistic support of staff & clients.

At Restorative Justice Practice, we understand that relationships are at the heart of our work. We take the time to know you and understand your strengths, as well as your needs, focusing on intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional remedies to enhance communication, conflict resolution, and leadership development.

The return on investment for this work is immeasurable. When individuals and communities feel seen, heard, and valued, they are more likely to engage in positive transformation within themselves and communities.